Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Woodlouse | Pillbug

Woodlouse | Pillbug
Woodlouse | Pillbug


  1. Luckily it is just a bug on the screen but not in the system.

  2. Oh neat! We call those 'Sow Bugs' here in Canada. They are totally harmless, and, to me at least, look like something from prehistoric times - they have found similar ones in fossils that are just massive :)

  3. I've never seen anything like this colored blue. I've only seen gray. Very interesting.

  4. Wow. I like the detail on the Woodlouse and that great color. Very nice capture!

  5. What a neat looking little bug! While we have the stag beetles in the earlier post, I've never seen anything like this one here in the US.

  6. My daughter loves playing with these. We call them rolie polies here because when you touch them, they roll up into a tiny little ball.

  7. Interesting to see they've got so many different names. Around here we call them pill bugs. There are several different kinds in the U.K. but they all look the same to me!

  8. When I was a little girl I used to love playing with these (goes to show what a tomboy I was). We called them "ball buggies" and would have contests to see who could catch the most.

    When you touch them, they curl into a ball, and you pick them up and stick them with the rest of your collection. Then quickly touch them all and pick up as many as you can before they start uncurling, and hold them all in one hand.

    When you open your hand, you'd end up with a bunch of them crawling around all over your hand & arm.

    Thinking back, I am sure glad they didn't bite.


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