Monday, 13 July 2009

Unknown Bees

bee, unknown insect
insect: unknown bee


  1. I've been camping in Norfolk for a few days and a few of the pictures I've taken don't really match anything in "Complete British Wildlife". Can anyone help identify them?

  2. sorry, I can't be of much help :( but the pictures of the bee and the flower are really lovely.

  3. What a fabulous photo with the bee!
    Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  4. Hi John. Not sure, but the petals look a little like those of wild geraniums. Google wild geranium images and take a look. Good luck!

    By the way, the photos are great and you've captured those bees nicely!

  5. The bees are so chubby! Nicely taken :)

  6. What a beautiful shot. It looks like bumble bee and a very big one. :)

  7. Hi again, John, and DUH!

    After re-reading your title, I realized you were trying to identify your bees, not your flowers! So sorry. Anyways, here's a link that I found interesting. A very detailed guide to identifying bees as well as other nature...

  8. I don't know what kind of bee that is. My husband did bee keeping for years, but this one looks like honey bee coloring to me but more of a bumble bee body.

  9. Looks like all those beekeepers mailing queens around the world have been causing lots of local ecosystem problems there, as well as here in Oz.

    (see for mind altering info, unfortunately unrelated to bees)

  10. Just amazing post you have published . I appreciate your blog . Well-done for shared .


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