Sunday, 30 August 2009

Unknown Moth on Elder Leaf

brown and orange moth on elder leaf


  1. Whenever I find a strange insect I like to look up what I've discovered. Unfortunately the book I use "Complete British Wildlife" isn't as complete as the title suggests. Occasionally I come across a bug which hasn't been included.

    This brown and orange moth is missing from the book. Does any recognise it? :-)

  2. I am using swatting these guys away so it's pretty cool to see one close up and personal. Great photo.

  3. I just call all of them as moth. Unlucky you or lucky me?

  4. You need a book or something to check them up!

  5. He's a little beauty. I love seeing moths, but they are very difficult to get pictures.

  6. I've consulted my books to and as yet can't find the name of this particular moth.

  7. You have alot of pictures here, I do admire them. But, I don't know the name of this pretty moth.

  8. Love the photo of the moth on the elder leaf and have found out what it is for you as I had one of these moths come into the house last night. It is a Mint moth Pyrausta aurata.

  9. Butterfly between the leaves of the tree looks beautiful.


I love to read your comments. If you're familiar with any of the places, plants or creatures or have anything else to add, please feel free to leave a comment below.