Saturday, 5 September 2009

Garden Spider

garden spider, araneus diadematus


  1. Autumn seems to be the best time to take photos of spiders. There are literally hundreds of them. Unfortunately the web doesn't show up very well in this picture. Any suggestions?

  2. That is a wonderful photo, I really like the black on white.

  3. I actually like the contrast of the black and white, though spiders are not my favorites :)

  4. He's so freaky. I am terrified of spiders. lol

  5. I like the way the spider comes out as a shadow. It gives it kind of a spooky look. You could try getting a spray bottle, then spray a fine mist on the web. Do it in the evening with the sun shining right at it. I'm not sure if that will work, but it might be fun trying.

  6. Ewwwww! Love them in my gardens, but hate to look at them! Hate it even more when I find them on me!

  7. The post is very beautiful. Thank you
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