Friday, 6 November 2009


sciurus carolinensis, grey squirrel
grey squirrel, sciurus carolinensis


  1. Wait, I thought for a minute I was on Ratty's blog. Did one of the squirrels escape and run over here?

  2. @Sharkbytes, something like that. Some of Ratty's squirrels invaded the U.K. a few years ago and now they're everywhere :-)

  3. Oh no! I'm a few days late seeing this one. How could I have almost missed this? I'd like to get a close look of a grey squirrel myself one of these days. We don't have many around here. Maybe I should send some of the black squirrels and the fox squirrels there. They would stop the rampage of these greys in short order. Unfortunately they're both rampagers themselves.


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