Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Sawfly Larvae

sawfly larvae

Our rose bush is covered with sawfly larvae at the moment. This strange looking bug is approx 14mm long :-)


  1. My two year old says "He cute!" LOL.

  2. Awesome! So those are common? I don't think we have them.

  3. Great stuff! The word "icky" seems quite appropriate, though!

    @Sharkbytes (TM): There are loads of Sawfly in the world. The problem is that the young look like caterpillars and the adults look like wasps. Also, many of them are really tiny, but you'll definitely have some kind of Sawflies in your area!

  4. So decorative! I like to look close up at these kind of creatures

  5. All of us love the shot, but no one actually said anything about the actual being. HOW gorgeous is it!!!!

  6. I haven't seen those here. We had huge caterpillars on the potato plants one year. They were the biggest I had ever seen.

  7. Ugh, just looking at the caterpillar gives me goosebumps.


  8. Nice post. This tutorial is very useful us. thanks for sharing with us.


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