Monday 17 October 2011
Warrendale Knotts Cave
Warrendale Dale Knotts Cave is hidden on Warrendale Knotts 60m above the Settle to Attermire footpath. The cave isn't the easiest to find, located behind a limestone block and a patch of nettles. There are approx 20m of passage, all crawling :-(
Friday 7 October 2011
Spider Cave
Spider Cave is a high opening in Beacon Scar. The debris strewn passage quickly lowers to a crawl which enters a small chamber. A squeeze through to the left enters a passage which is too narrow to follow :-(
Monday 3 October 2011
Brent Scar Cave
Brent Scar Cave is a high fissure to the south of Victoria Cave. The passage closes in after about 5 metres :-(