Thursday 1 July 2010


female duck

I can always rely on ducks. They're one of the few birds that don't fly off the moment I get my camera out! Swans, geese, seagulls and pigeons also seem to love having their photo taken :-)


Rose Clearfield said...

I never get tired of duck pictures! Beautiful capture. :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

Ducks are one of the most fun creatures to watch. Most of my bird pictures are ducks or geese too. Such friendly animals.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful !

Joanne Olivieri said...

They are just so graceful and I love the coloring on this one. You are right ducks, pigeons and seagulls are little divas and pose for photos.

Emm said...

I sometimes think my pets can hear the cogs in my brain turning because they always move when I try to sneak out my camera!

I love ducks. They are so... cute, for want of an obviously better word. This young lady looks so healthy!

Sharkbytes said...

I love the definition of the feathers. Those oriental painters really get it right.

Anonymous said...

Love ducks! We see a lot of canadian geese where I am. Simply beautiful creatures :)

Cruiselife & Co said...

This duck is muck lovelier than the ones in my lake across from the apartment. They are just plain ugly to say the least. lol...I remember the ducks up in Ohio being much prettier and friendlier.

Ryan said...

Yeah those darn Eagles always take flight the moment you're ready to photo it.

Tina said...

haha ive noticed that too. never ones shy to take a bit of bread from your hands either!

Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ

The Retired One said...

Congratulations..I saw that your blog, along with mine was named as one of the top four photo blogs for July/August! Woot!
I wanted to stop by and see your wonderful photography and I am glad I did. Stop by my blog when you get the chance too! it is at:

Sam said...

i'm glad you're able to easily photograph animals that don't fly off. nice focus on the duck here. you can try our Summer giveaway: chance to win $50 - just grab out badge:

Anonymous said...

So lovely, i have one pair of duck. One of them is identical to this one you posted and the other one is white in color. They got married and this week they started giving eggs!!!!

Anonymous said...

So lovely, i have one pair of duck. One of them is identical to this one you posted and the other one is white in color. They got married and this week they started giving eggs!!!!

sorry my email was wring:(

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