Tuesday 28 April 2009

Sunset at Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight

sunset at Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight


John | English Wilderness said...

Prompted by the Suburban Survivalist's comment a few days ago, here's a picture of the sun setting at Thorness Bay.

Meghann said...

Stunning! How lucky you are to have such beautiful landscapes at your fingertips :)

rainfield61 said...

The second sunset I have visited today, virtually.
The sunrise should be more lively psychologically.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I love seeing the sunset over a body of water. We have too many houses right here to be able to see it. I need to go camping near one of our lakes, so I can see a real life sunset.

Stock Photography said...

Realy good photo of sunset

Sandy said...

Beautiful picture! Wish I were there relaxing.

Unknown said...

So very pretty and romantic!
Have a very nice day!

Design Tutorials said...

I love also sunset point

Information Review said...

Nice sceneries

Anonymous said...

Nice post. I like it. Keep up the good work. its really good.

Anonymous said...

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Isle of Wight design

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